I Am Who I Am Foundation is a Christ centered ministry that believes every person is made in the image of God.
No life is beyond His reach. Founded in 2024, I Am Who I Am Foundation exists to serve two ministries.
The Widows Ministry and The Prison Ministry
Then the Lord said."If My people want to know where they are needed, tell them they are needed in the streets,
the hospitals, the missions, and the prisons. When they come there they will find me and the next move of'My Spirit."
...I was in prison, and you came to me."(Matthew 25:36)".
To creates environments where widows feel welcome
and experience love, acceptance, and the presence
of God,
To transform the lives of prisoners, their families,
and victims of crime. We envision a world where
the cycle of crime is broken through Jesus's Love.
To honor Jesus Christ and spread the Gospel through serving, providing for, and making disciples of widows in need and the incarcerated inmates.
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